That Kiss

That kiss, those lips, the giddy feeling as he looks back at you.

You’re sitting down, just spending time together. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as it’s with him.

You turn and face him, your eyes meeting. Look at those eyes – kind, inviting, loving you unconditionally. Upturned at the corners as he smiles back at you, just admiring you.

“Sometimes, I just like to look at you,” he says.

You blush, you feel so loved. He puts his hand against your face, strong and steady, running his thumb over your cheek.

Your eyes slowly close, lips slowly meet. His lips are soft, even when he says they’re dry. They’re familiar and you feel safe. His lips press against yours in an intimate moment. It’s just you two, as if nothing even surrounds you.

The moment passes quickly, but you feel the sensation ringing through your body for an eternity, even when they’re not by your side.

Those eyes. He looks at you again, eyes upturned.


You blush again. Once more, your lips meet for a peck.

You lay your head in the nook of his neck. This moment. That kiss. Those lips. It’s perfect.


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