We're Only Human

We all pretend we’re something we’re not – maybe not all the time, but there are days we do. We pretend to be cheery and positive, we pretend to have life together, we pretend to be okay.

Here’s the truth. We aren’t always okay. We aren’t always happy and cheery and bright. Internally, we might be gloomy, lonely, sad, insecure. I am all these things.

Lately, I’ve been fighting myself to see my worth and beauty Are all of the efforts I put forth helpful to anyone? To me and my future? Why can’t I look like her? Why are my cheeks so round? Did I gain weight? Some days, you can really hate yourself. Some days, those pre-teen insecurities hit you hard. Sometimes, it lasts for days, weeks, maybe months.

I remember when I was about 12 years old, looking at myself in the mirror, hating what I saw. I remember three days ago, looking in the mirror hating what I saw.

Being alone without that one person to remind you of your worth is hard. You’ve really got to explore who you are and remember what you were before they entered your life. You get to know yourself better, and you definitely learn to cope with feeling low. You don’t feel like yourself. You feel like you disappoint everyone whenever you make a mistake. They aren’t there to hold you and say, “it’s okay.”

They can’t always be there for you, though.

Within yourself, you need to find that empowerment to be confident. You have to think about all the positives about yourself, even when you feel like there are none. You’re really the only person who can bring yourself true happiness. What’s my point in all this?

Right now, I feel low. Right now, I feel lonely. But I know I’ll be okay. Why? This might make me sound cocky, but I’m strong, independent, resilient. I’m a valuable asset to my different teams. Some people really do need me. My S.O. needs me. I can offer the world worth. I can bring my skills into different arenas and be successful. Today, I needed a way to write out all my negativity and then remind myself of the positives. That’s the point of this. It’s just for me.

You won’t please everybody. You’ll make mistakes and you’ll have to learn to forgive yourself. You’ll need to grow up and fix problems you’ve caused. You’ll have to speak your mind and be comfortable with the tension.

I make mistakes. I get stressed. I drop the ball. I cry. But I’m human, and I know that we all feel this way. We’re the same, you and I. For everyone reading this, remember that and give yourself a break, okay?


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